Yesterday my little man turned 6 weeks old. He's getting pretty big, I can see it in his face and thighs. I remembered a few weeks ago that the Wii Fit Plus has a setting for weighing dogs and thought that maybe it would have a similar setting for weighing babies. Today I actually acted and tried it out.
Turns out, you can. Riley weighs 9lbs 4.5oz today. This time next week I'll have a 10 pound baby I bet. I looked on a chart for weight, and he is right below the 50th percentile (which is where he was at birth.) I need to find a tape measure so I can see where he is for height. At birth he was just below the 30th percentile. I've got a little shorty on my hands. :)
Today is my husband's birthday. It will be a pretty low key celebration. He had to go to traffic school for a bad ticket he got last year, so he has been gone most of the day. I'll make him some brownies once the little guy lets me set him down for a nap. Tomorrow we'll go out to dinner with my family to celebrate with them. It will be the first time taking Riley to a restaurant, but I'm confident in our ability to nurse discreetly. He also has been pretty good at entertaining himself for short periods. I was amazed yesterday he nursed but was still awake once he finished. I had dishes to do, so I set him in the swing. He stared at the ceiling fan, and the mobile on his swing for at least 15-25 minutes.
Also on the agenda for tomorrow is Riley's first 5K. We will be walking, of course. Hopefully he will sleep through it, but I am a pro at nursing with him in the sling and walking. So, we will be just fine. What a way to burn extra calories: nursing and walking simultaneously! ;) I convinced my mom to join us, it will be her first. I did one last April, right before (or right after) Riley was conceived. This 5k is part of a series, and is the first of 3. My mom and I signed up for all of them. Should be fun. :)
The 5k sounds like fun. What is it called and where is it at? Hope you enjoy the brownies and dinner tomorrow night!