
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Just an update

I haven't posted in a while. 

Not much has been happening around here. I kind of decided to have a low-key birthday for Riley this year. Just the family is invited. Last year was a huge party, and a lot of stress, and while he had a blast, it isn't something he will remember. So we will just have a cake with the grandparents and his aunt and uncles (and cousins if they aren't too cool for us yet.) ;) Next year, maybe, we'll have a bigger party for him. Also, last year he got a lot of toys, it was a bit ridiculous. We had to give some to the grandparents, because there was just too much for him to play with at our place. I love to get fun gifts for kids, so I totally get it, but there is only some much time in a day for playing. ;)

Tonight, Riley went pee pee in the potty for the very first time. He has been asking to go potty a lot after diaper changes, so I put him on the toilet and he sits there looking in the bowl, playing with his belly button and talking about bubbles. Sometimes he sits there for 45 seconds sometimes only 15 before saying "All done" and trying to get down. I'm not really pushing potty time right now, because he is still young for it, and I don't want to stress him out, but if he asks to go, I'll let him. Tonight he asked after his diaper was changed, and it was almost immediate that he started peeing. He started laughing, he was so excited. I kept saying good job and cheering. But I thought to myself "now what?" I hear about moms using M&M's and jelly beans as rewards, so was I supposed to give him one for going? Maybe is this it for us, will he be easy to potty train? Or did we just get lucky this time, and he just so happened to have to really go? It is too early to tell yet. I'm not fully ready to believe he is ready to train, but we'll see how it goes. 

This weekend will be a busy one for us. We have a birthday party on Saturday and another on Sunday. Unfortunately, I have to work on Sunday, so I won't be able to go to that party, but my sister-in-law will be taking Riley for me. It is a 4 year old's party to a movie theater to watch Cars. Riley loves that movie, (well he prefers the second one...but he will sit through the first one too.) Kind of. He never really sits through a movie unless I'm holding him down (like to get him to go to sleep.) I hope he enjoys himself. :)

Sunday my parents return from being in Australia and New Zealand. I cannot wait to see them again. I talk to them nearly every day so it has been pretty hard. Riley is going to flip out when he sees them, I think. :)