
Friday, August 31, 2012


--- 1 ---

My son is really going through a period of being difficult. I've mentioned this before. And well today is just no different. I started the day rough on him, and it has continued off an on through this morning. He is currently singing to himself in his crib...but it is time for "night nights" so there he will stay. It really all started when I didn't give him his milk. You see, we were going to a Weight Watchers meeting with my mom and I thought he would stay quiet for longer if he were to drink his milk at the meeting instead of in the car on the way there. My mistake was that he saw me pour his milk...and when I put his cup in the bag instead of in his hands, his whole world fell apart. I tried distracting him, and giving him other tasks, but it didn't work. So after snapping him in his car seat, he got his cup. Poor kid. Mama is so mean. ;) Then at the scale, I told him to stay with me, and he wasn't happy about that either. My mom got there after we did, so I had no one to hold, or watch him while I was weighing in. He got upset then too. Stickers from the leader didn't help. He just cried some more. But I was able to set him down so I could weigh in. And he was fine once I picked him up again. I could go on and on about this right now, so I will just move on to #2, which really is just a continuation of #1. ;)

--- 2 ---

He has been screaming a lot lately. And there seems to be nothing we can do to make him stop. I have tried whispering, ignoring, removal, and while the last one has worked to settle him down, I usually cannot return him to the same environment. For example, this morning my mom and I went out to breakfast, and after he felt he was done he started screaming at the top of his lungs. So I took him into the bathroom. At this age, there really is nothing to talk about, other than saying "Mommy said no screaming." Later on in life, we might have more productive bathroom trips in which conversations are had about what behavior is allowed in a restaurant. But for now we simply washed our hands. Upon returning to the table I attempted to put him back in his seat, and he started writhing and saying "No, No, No..." So I made a compromise and placed him in my lap. He was well behaved there and ate a bit more food. But goodness do I wish he didn't scream...crying is so much better. 

--- 3 ---

I find my motivation to clean, tidy and organize dwindles by the time Riley is put down for his nap. I really want to do these things before I get out of bed in the morning, but he wears me down to the point that all I want to do is rest and eat some food. ;) Today I decided to try blogging and see if I can feel some ease of mind. Because I really do want to purge some items. I feel so cluttered and messy and wish getting rid of things was easy for me. 

--- 4 ---

I saw a pin on Pinterest the other day about making your own foaming hand soap. (and wouldn't you know I didn't repin in?!) But, I have always wondered what would happen if you put soap in a foaming soap dispenser, so I thought I would try it today. My Peach Bellini Bath and Body Works hand soap was pretty close to empty today, so I added some Johnson & Johnson Baby Wash to it, followed by some tap water, and carefully tilted the container until it was mixed. And poof! Foaming hand soap! Yippee! (I ended up searching on Pinterest for the idea and found this site if you need further instructions. It wasn't the pin I had seen, but it will do just fine. :) And can I just add that Pinterest is acting out a lot this morning! Goodness, will people please stop loving it as much as I do, so they stop hogging all the server space? Thanks in advance!

--- 5 ---

And I just had a total "Duh!" moment. I absolutely love to have foaming dish soap around so I can wash small dishes with a brush without making a sudsy I just bought a new bottle of the Dawn foaming dish soap, when I could totally be making my own! Seriously folks, what did I do without Pinterest? I mean...don't go there. It is just a waste of time... ;)

--- 6 ---

Yesterday was our Garbage day, and I was confused because they picked up our recycling, but not our garbage. So this morning I called to find out what was amok. Turns out, I didn't pay our bill. And they were scheduled to come pick up our cans soon. Oopsies. They didn't even leave a note or call to find out where our payment was. They were just going to take our cans and say adios. I paid my bill over the phone and asked if they send bills via email, since that usually is how I get my bills and signed up that way. I have also decided I need to create a chart for me to check off the bills each month as I pay them, because that is the second one I forgot to pay this month...(actually the garbage bill was from June! and they never sent me a second notice. How strange!) You would think I was pregnant or something...

--- 7 ---

I have been really feeling like I want to have a lot more kids than just the two my husband has planned for us. I guess I'll just have to re-address the issue after having number 2 (if we are able). Because perhaps I will change my own mind. Especially after mornings like today (see #'s 1-3 above). Also, we don't really have a lot of room for kidlets in this house. We could do some rearranging. (For example I would love to move my craft room into the den area, and put the computer either in the living room or in our bedroom. That would open up one more bedroom. So that the girls could have their own room and the boys could share one too. But I'm likely living in a dream world. I don't think my husband would let me take over the den. Would you babe?! :) Anyway, I've come to the conclusion that a pregnancy of multiples might satisfy my urge for more children, and abide by my husband's strict policy of two periods of infancy. So I've been willing for multiple eggs to drop. Go ahead and call me crazy. :)

--- 8 ---

And because I prefer even numbers to odd numbers I thought I would share one more tid-bit today. Since working at Weight Watchers, I find myself going to Trader Joe's a lot more. (They are in the same parking lot in Federal Way, so it is super convenient to go there for me). This last time I went I found Mochi Ice Cream and I was reminded of my dear friend Kristina. Here is a website review of them, but you really shouldn't read the review, because I don't agree. However, there are some good pictures of the ice cream balls and that you are allowed to look at. I thought they were quite tasty. They are ice cream balls with a mochi layer on the outside. Reminds me of our trip to TCBY. :) BUT they are 3 Points Plus they are a bit high when it comes down to calories. I think I'm going to break away and have one now. :) Happy Friday!

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Friday!

After nearly 18 months, today I had my Mirena removed. There are a couple reasons for this, first, my son is almost 2, and I'm starting to feel a little itchy for a baby. And to be honest, I think he is too. At my cousin's house (who has 3 little girls) he loved pushing around a doll stroller with his Tigger in it. He is so very helpful (most of the time) and will assist with many chores. He throws things away for me, puts his toys away, and will push the right buttons on the dishwasher or washer/dryer when asked to. He also feeds the girls for us. We just have to fill the cup up with the amount we want them to have. He will pour the cup out into the bowl regardless of how much is in it. (And when he misses a couple pieces of dog food, he will sit there and pick each one up and put it in that dog's bowl. It is something he doesn't need to do, because they will eat it, but he is a slight neat freak.) :)

The second reason, is one that is a little bit more detailed. And for that reason I'm going to put it behind a "jump break." That way, it is your own fault if you accidentally read something you don't want to. It isn't too graphic, but it is a bit detailed and personal, so some people might not want to read about it. Hint: it involves my reproductive organs.

Read on...

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tears come in Twos

Riley woke up this morning, in a seemingly good mood. He was happy and talking this morning in his crib when I went in to get him. Nothing seemed unusual, as he handed me his Tigger, Dog, and two blankets before asking me to pick him up.

I had accidentally dropped my phone, okay so maybe someone helped me drop it. (I had set it on the front rail of Riley's crib and he touched it causing it to fall. I don't know for sure if it was intentional, and don't care either way, no harm was done to my phone.) Anyway, I went back into his room to get my phone and I wish that I had just stayed in there....from that moment on he was breaking down left and right. It was almost comical. He threw a bag of DVDs around the living room in protest. (over what I'm not sure) I considered taking a video of him mid-meltdown just to share my pain with others.

Tears flowed off and on. He was returned to his room. He was sat on the couch. He was hugged. He was kissed. He was fed. And eventually all of the DVDs were returned to the bag they were in. It was rough.

My darling boy is almost two. And he must have gotten the memo a little early. You all know what I'm talking about right? ;)

The poor kid is getting two molars in right now too, so I'm sure that is mostly what is upsetting him. Also the fact that he can't communicate his needs perfectly. I feel his frustration, so I have been trying to say what it is I think he was wanting at that moment. I hope that the more consistent I am, the sooner these tantrums will get better (or even disappear! a girl can be optimistic!). He is starting to talk a lot more these days. Most of it is gibberish, but sometimes words will surprise me.

The other day he said: "Where 'Cardi at?" (translation: where's Bacardi at? and for those of you who don't know, Bacardi is one of our dogs.) It was his first real sentence.

He keeps surprising my husband as well. Jamaal decided to tell Riley to ask Mommy for some cookies, so then Riley proceeded to say "cooookies" over and over again, in the most excited tone possible. Jamaal didn't realized Riley knew how to say "cookies" and probably didn't really think Riley would know what one was, but boy was he mistaken! I was a little upset, only because it was bedtime when the cookies were requested, so that meant Riley was up a little later than usual so he could partake in the sweets. (I could not be the one that turned down cookies, when he was so sweet to ask for them.) Although, when the cookies had to cook, Riley was a little upset that he had to wait, SO I was pretty close to sending him off to bed without. But, right now he is learning how to be patient, and sometimes that means Mommy and Daddy have to be extra patient...

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Caught in a heat wave

Baking up a storm. The hottest day of the summer so far, (I'm not sure if that is true, but it sure felt like it!) and I decide to bake. :)

I blame my parents, because they dropped off their dog and with her came 3 close-to-overripe-bananas. The problem with this (as I like to eat speckled bananas) was that I already had 2 of my own on my fridge. So, I was forced to make some banana bread, and to change things up a bit, some banana chocolate chip cookies. IF the cookies are good I'll post them here. :) I've talked about the way I make cookies before, but if you need a reminder go here.

At this very moment I have a bowl of chocolate chip-banana-oatmeal cookies waiting to be scooped up, 4 small ramekins (and one medium sized) with Smitten's banana bread ready to bake, and my Kitchen-aid mixer bowl with a double batch of chocolate chip cookies. We ran out of chocolate chip cookies a couple weeks ago, and since I was already making a mess of my kitchen, AND making cookies my husband will not eat, I figured I better make him his favorite, too.

It has been too hot all day to even think about actually baking anything though. Once I sign off here, (and the little nugget is in bed) I'm going to start scooping the banana cookies. One problem with baking in a hot kitchen, is the dough gets too soft and gooey, the banana cookie dough has been in the fridge for longer and should be firm enough for me to scoop (then place on a cookie sheet) and into the freezer they will go!

There really is no other way to bake cookies. I love having frozen dough balls on hand! :)

I plan on freezing the mini banana breads and pulling them out for Riley and I to share (or for me to take to work) depending on my mood. :) I'm so happy that I have a deep freezer now. Oh that husband of mine sure spoils me!

Friday, August 3, 2012

The waiting room

Today I took Riley in to get weighed. He has been such a little guy for a very long time that my doctor wants to make sure he continues to grow. I was supposed to take him in last month but I got a little busy and didn't do it. Today he weighed in at a whopping 23.8 pounds! He is still pretty small for his age group, but is finally catching up with everyone else. 

While we were waiting to get seen (we just walk in to the doctor's office to weigh in) there was a little boy named Jordan reading a book on a love seat-type chair. We sat on the love seat chair that was back to back with Jordan's. He had some tousled hair that looked as though he had just woken up. (It was shortly after 11 am, so I wonder if he is taking advantage of summer and sleeping in late, or if he just really doesn't care about his hair. Being probably 7 or 8 and a boy it could have been either.) There is some anxiety that comes along with chatting with folks in a Doctor's office waiting area. Thoughts like "does this person have the flu?" or "are they being treated for shingles?" permeate my brain. So, I was a little hesitant to get friendly with young Jordan. I guess I should add, that when we were waiting in line to check in, Jordan smiled and waved at Riley and asked if Riley was Irish (because he was wearing an Ireland soccer shorts set). I could tell Riley wanted to meet Jordan, because he kept pulling me toward him.  He is really into interacting with other kids, it is cute to see him admire other kids. So that is why I chose to sit by Jordan. I knew I would have to keep getting up to get Riley, because he would go over to Jordan no matter what. 

Jordan closed his book and set it aside to talk with us. From our short interaction I learned that Jordan has a 3 year old little sister, he likes soccer and is obligated to like the Sounders but also likes some European teams as well, he shares my birthday (March 23rd), was going to be named Riley but was named after Michael Jordan instead(who's number is 23). Riley is big into waving right now and saying "bye" or "hi" to anyone going or coming, and one person got pulled back to their appointment, and he stood up and waved "bye" just a chattering away. Jordan commented on how much he was talking, and stated his 3 year old sister was talking about as much as he was. I told him that every child learns at their own pace, and he agreed that this was true. But I got the impression that he was saying that to make me feel good. Jordan just has this aura of calm around him. Seriously, I'm not generally all that friendly to people I meet. Especially while sitting in a Doctor's waiting room. Every breath could be filled with germs I don't want to meet. Every touch could cause a fever and stomach flu. You really just don't know. But there was something about little Jordan, who seemed wise beyond his years. Who knew a twenty-something, mother of one could sit down and chat comfortably with an 8 year old in a doctor's office waiting room?

I glanced at the title of the book as we were leaving, and noticed it was SEAL Team Six : Memoirs of an Elite Navy SEAL Sniper. Really quite a grown up book for such a young man. I wish I had stayed and waited with Jordan for his mom to come out. At least, I assume he was waiting for his mom. I didn't ask, as it wasn't really my business. But I wish I had stayed and told her what a wonderful young man she is raising. He must be such a wonderful big brother to his sister, as I watched him interact with Riley, I wished that he was Riley's big brother. He entertained us both. He played with Riley's helicopter while holding a conversation with me. He had us both in his little hand. I wish I would have stayed and told her all of these things, but, I'm sure she already knows. (At least for Jordan's sake, I hope so).