
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sweets and treats

I didn't get very much sleep last night, and only kind of napped this morning. Riley, however sleeps just fine during the day. Last night he would fall asleep while nursing, I would burp him and he would still be sleeping. After I would lay him down, however, he would wake up. I let him fuss for a bit, but each time he would start to cry and scream so I would pick him up and he would show signs of wanting to nurse. It was definitely a rough night. I ended up falling asleep while burping him this morning at 0600.

I'm guessing there will be a lot of blog posts about sleep, because already I've talked about it nearly every day I've posted this year. I apologize in advance.

In other news I've been doing a lot of baking/making of sweets of late. One thing I made before Christmas was Cream Cheese Banana bread. I found the recipe here. (and I don't think she wants me to re-post the recipe, so you will just have to go there to see it.)

The only thing I have to warn you about is that the recipe calls for self rising flour. I personally do not have this, and unfortunately I forgot that it was different than all purpose flour. If you also do not carry self rising flour, you can make your own by using the following conversion:

1 cup of self rising flour= 1 cup of all purpose/plain flour minus 2 tsp., and add 1-1/2 tsp. baking powder and 1/2 tsp. salt to make the full cup. 

For this recipe instead of 3 c. self rising flour you would use:
2-7/8 c. all purpose flour (which is the same as 3 c. minus 2 Tbsp.) (Or just use 3c. and not care about the extra 2 Tbsp and risk having it be just a touch dry)
4-1/2 tsp. baking powder
1-1/2 tsp. salt

I forgot about this conversion and had already put in the 3 c. all purpose flour, so I added the salt and baking powder after I was done mixing. I over mixed my dough, so it ended up being a bit crumbly and dry. I will remake this and see if it is less dry with less flour and less mixing. It did have a good flavor though. I made one loaf with nuts and one with mini chocolate chips. Both were lovely. :D

I have more recently made a pumpkin pie, vanilla ice cream, and chocolate chip cookies. I'm married to someone with as big of a sweet tooth as I have. It will be hard to lose the extra 7-10 pounds of baby weight with treats readily available, but I'll begin working on that soon.

I got Zumba Fitness for our x-box Kinect for Christmas. I haven't tried it yet, because I wasn't supposed to do too much heavy exercising. My midwife said to let my lochia get my guide when it comes to activity. If it increases, I'm doing too much. I do notice an increase when I am more active, especially when Riley and I leave the house. My lochia is nearly gone now though so I will probably try it soon. I never realized how long lochia (bleeding after delivery) sticks around after having a baby. Thankfully it was only heavy for like 4 days after delivery and has been light ever since.

I don't see myself restraining from cookies and ice cream in the near future. They taste too darn good to me right now. :D


  1. Will and I each have a sweet tooth as well. I've been wanting to bake a cake (from a box though), but we still have loads of Christmas candy. So I understand your problem, but I believe that you should enjoy treats if you want. It makes life more fun. I hope you can get some more sleep soon. I hear that by the 3rd month it gets better, well when the baby can sleep through the night. I'm not sure though, I'm not an expert and might be making it all up.

  2. All babies are different about sleeping through the night. What does happen, at least in my experience, is that you get better at making the most of the sleep you do get. My sleep patterns actually changed and I was able to get into a deep sleep quicker and wake up in the morning feeling rested. For now I would just go with the flow. When you go back to work you may have to work on some things but for now I recommend just continuing to follow his cues. (plus you kind of have to - he's still a newborn so you just need to nurse on demand) You are doing a GREAT job Aubri and I am so happy you are enjoying motherhood (even though I know it is challenging!)
