
Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sleepy mama

Last night Riley woke up at 0200, and didn't get to sleep again until 0800. Well, that isn't exactly true. He napped for about 30 minutes at one point, and I'm sure he probably rested well while nursing pretty much the entire time. Growth spurt perhaps? On the plus side, he didn't wake up again until 1140, so I got a good 3+ hours of sleep in. Then I napped for about 2 hours from 1200 to 1430. I am hoping that tonight he sleeps a bit more than that. I am very thankful that my husband was home today to help me with his diaper changes. It is silly, but I really don't enjoy changing his diapers. Nursing him isn't that bad to me, even though I have to get positioned comfortably and usually have to get out of bed to do so. Changing his diaper is not that difficult really...but when you do it about 10 times a day (sometimes more if he decides to pee or poo mid change.) it gets old fast. Jamaal hasn't had to change that many diapers because 1.) he works during the day; 2.) I do all the feedings at night, and it doesn't make sense to make him get up just to change his diaper especially because of #1.

I make a point to ask him to do a couple diaper changes when he has a day off, or when he is home after working during the day. (Though I wait to ask him to change Riley only after he has had a chance to relax some after working.)

Jamaal did all of the diaper changes today except for the one I did before and after his bath. After very little sleep, this was such a blessing.

Jamaal has been such a help around the house. He has been doing laundry and has cleaned both bathrooms. He also does the dishes sometimes as well. I have not done very much housework yet. I have done the dishes a couple times. And I have cooked dinner nearly every night (which sometimes is a huge chore). But I often don't have tons of spare time to myself to get things done. I'm getting better, though not getting enough sleep at night doesn't help me to get chores done.

Well, Jamaal would like some cookies, but before that can happen, dishes need to be done, so I better get on that. ;)

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