I had a dream last night that Jamaal and I moved into a, well I guess it would be called a studio, because there were absolutely no walls. There was a very small kitchen, I never saw a bathroom, and we had to share it with another couple! The door to the apartment was in the middle so we had our beds across the room from each other, there was about 18 feet in between the two beds. They had their surround sound set up in the middle of the room (we moved in after them) and their TV was freakin tiny! Their speakers were bigger than the TV! They also had a mean looking golden retriever, I never thought I would see one of those! So my girls were going to have to be in their kennels a lot, because they were scared.
So, even though Jamaal and I aren't planning on moving into an apartment, I am now freaked out about where we next move too. My dreams are too vivid...
Another part of my dream, my mom and I were in Spokane and it started to snow really bad, and we had to go up this really big hill that turned sharply right at the top, and she got scared to drive, so we had to walk instead. So we start walking and we come to this area where there is water too, and I slipped and fell in. (It was like a little loop of ice pathway surrounded by water. So there was about an 6 foot diameter circle of water in the middle). So once I fell in this bald, very pale naked guy appeared in the middle of the loop; only his top half showed, so I guess I don't know for sure if he was completely naked. :) Anyway, he was like a ghost I guess because my mom didn't see him. I wasn't panicked in the water, I was just casually trying to get back up, my mom didn't seem to care that I was in the water at all. Hypothermia isn't an issue in dreams. But anyway, the guy was saying things to me as I'm trying to get up, like "better not drown" and "isn't the water cold" and other things that I don't quite remember, but he was taunting me. So I got back up and he was still there, urging me to fall in again. (I didn't). So we move on. And eventually we get to a point where my mom decides "I guess we don't need to go that badly" (I don't know where we were going, perhaps I realized this, and was tired of the plot... :D ) and wants to turn around. I was like "after all I sacrificed for this?" pointing at my feet, which was the only part of me that was wet...and that my friends is the end of my dream...
It's kind of creepy now, but it wasn't while I dreamt it. I was uber confident in my ability to get back up!
dreams are crazy aren't they?? I get mad sometimes at what I dream about. During the school year, I always dream about the kids although I'd rather have time without them. I hope you have some fun dreams soon!