
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Those girls are at it again!

Well I wanted to have pictures for this post, but a lot of the things I will mention here, it is too late for pictures...

You might remember that Bacardi is a problem child...if you don't here is a post about her!

She has since pulled down an aluminum tray with pasta from a table in the kitchen, and eaten it all (Bella helped to eat it).

I found a chewed wood block from one of my stamp sets with the rubber stamp missing...the rubber was found not too far from the block unscathed, so the girls have lived to see another day. My Upline knows a lady who doesn't use her wood blocks for her SU! stamps...It is still unknown which girl was the culprit, I believe Bella did this one...

Bacardi has eaten 3 plastic cups that are usually used to put dog food into their bowls (we have gone through 3 of them because she keeps eating them...) They were 5/$1.00 at walmart...

There is a nice, fresh, area of newly dug dirt by the walkway in the back yard that seems to grow every day. And for some strange reason my girls' paws seem to get dirtier and dirtier every time they come in from outside.

I have had to throw out approximately 15 pairs of underwear, because underwear gnomes have chewed holes in them!

Bacardi pulled down a box with 5 donuts in it and ate all 5 donuts! Jamaal was pissed because he didn't get a single one. I had one that morning and stupidly left it on the table in the kitchen. She gets locked up in the kitchen during the day, and Jamaal thought they weren't opened so he didn't move them. (I think she would have gotten the donuts out either way opened or not.)

I think that kids are easier to discipline and handle than these darn dogs are! We will be so prepared for a little babe because of these two bratfaces! (Bratface is a term of endearment that I use often with my girls...they like it)

1 comment:

  1. You crack me up! I'm glad you got the day off, that's always exciting=).
