
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Is there a baby in my future?

The other day I ran into a friend of Jamaal's at Safeway in Federal Way. I had just gone to my ultrasound appointment for my thyroid, and while waiting for my mom to go on her lunch break, I decided to get grocery shopping done. I had forgotten that Kevin, Jamaal's friend (and mine) was now dairy manager at the 320th Safeway. I went around a corner, and almost hit him with my cart.

He asked why I was shopping so far from home (or something a long those lines, basically asked why I was there)

And I replied "I just had an ultrasound and was in the area so I decided to get some grocery shopping done."

We said "see ya!" and went our separate ways.

In the back of my mind I thought, "I'll bet he thinks I'm pregnant." But just kind of shrugged it off.

I asked Jamaal last night if he had talked to Kevin lately, and he said "The last time I talked to Kevin was a couple days after you two ran into each other." I had to pry to get more information.

Jamaal said, "He was like 'So do you have anything you need to tell me?' and I didn't know what he was talking about, and he asked if you were pregnant and I was like No, man. No!"


Next time I'll be sure and specify the body part for my ultrasound. But it was kind of fun how this one turned out. I love that Kevin couldn't ask me at the time, but had to call Jamaal about it later. I can only imagine the conversation Kevin had with is wife...


Well I guess I haven't updated about my thyroid drama.

About a month ago I noticed that my thyroid, upon palpation, felt a little bigger than before. So I decided that I needed to see my Thyroid MD again to decide what to do. If you don't remember, read this. So we scheduled an ultrasound, and the radiologist said that he/she didn't see a change in size. My thyroid MD recommended to get another ultrasound in 6 months, and would like to do a biopsy in her office (with much smaller needles) in about 3 months to check things out. I still don't know about that...she says it isn't as traumatic as my experience during my biopsy.

We'll see. The biopsy is starting to not sound that bad...I must be going crazy!

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