
Monday, October 20, 2008

Goals, goals, goals...

So lately I've been feeling pretty crummy. I haven't gained weight, but I feel like I have. And I've realized that I feel so terrible, because I haven't been to the gym in nearly 2 months!!

Night shift screwed me all up. I was doing really well, but then I started to just get tired, and I was able to find an excuse to not go.

Today, I went to the gym and upgraded so that I can go to multiple clubs. I have been travelling to Renton, because at the time, it was the closest club. They opened a club in Tukwila, about a 5 minute drive from my house, probably 10 minute walk, in June, but I really liked my personal trainer so I stayed at Renton. Now, I still like my personal trainer (even though he didnt call me to make me go train) but will only have to go to the Renton club on the days I train, or when I'm in the area.

So here are a few of my goals, I need someone to hold me accountable. (although already I feel much better and I just worked out today...)
  1. Drink more water. I need to get a water bottle so I can keep track of how much I'm drinking. But I want to drink at least 2 liters every day.
  2. Work out 3 days per week. Right now that is realistic for me. When I work 12 hour days, I don't have much more energy to make myself go to the gym too. However, I am going to attempt to go to the gym before work this Wednesday, since my gym is closer I might be able to workout, shower, and leave the gym by 6:15? It opens at 5. I might be able to do it. perhaps I'll only rinse off, and leave my hair and makeup on? We'll see.
  3. Snack less at work. I find myself hoping that there will be some kind of cookie or snack left for us in the report room. It is terrible, and instead of eating the apple I brought I reach for the brownie. Last week I started this one...I did better than normal, but still need work.

Well that's all folks! Let me know what healthy things you are currently trying to do...successes and "works in progress" (I wouldn't say failures...) are both welcome!


  1. Goal number 3 has been so hard for me too. There is so much junk food in our break room. Someone is always bringing cookies, cake, brownies, you name it. It's usually the parents bringing it as a thank you. WHy can't they bring some veggies?! I am such a snacker at work. What I have found works (some days) is to always have almonds on hand. When you have that craving for food, pop some almonds in your mouth and quickly leave the break room. I repeat LEAVE THE ROOM. haha good luck aubri! You can do it!

  2. Man, the teachers I work with are pathetic, we rarely get brownies or junk food and I'm always wanting something sweet to make it through the afternoon! ;) I am struggling because of Halloween candy. Late night is the worst. I am bad at justifying things instead of just quitting or admitting. Good luck!
