
Monday, July 14, 2008

The joys of renting 2...

So previously I talked about how there was a leak from our water meter. The landlord actually came over that same day and was able to fix it. He said there was a gasket that went bad and needed to be replaced and since then the end of our driveway has been dry. So that was good. He had to turn the water off for a little bit, and of course one of the first things I did was tried to wash my hands...funny how you take things for granted.

Now, before my Seaside adventure, I wanted to wash a load of jeans, so I put a load in the washer and was going to throw them in the dryer overnight so they'd be ready in the morning. But when I opened the washer there was still water in there, even though the cycle was finished. Well I thought, maybe I put too many pairs of jeans in there, so I took a few out and started the rinse cycle over. But this still didn't work. So I took out everything except the two pairs of jeans I wanted and started the washer all over, and still there was water left in the washer. Now by this time it was 1:00am and I wanted to be in bed, so I just threw the soaking wet jeans into the dryer and started it. And even though they didn't get spun as well as usual in the washer, they were perfectly dry from the dryer.

So over the weekend I called the landlord to check it out, he came over yesterday and said that the washer (and dryer) have been there since the previous owners of the house lived here and it would be cheaper to go buy a new hopefully we will have a new washer sometime this week! I hope don't get that when it's your own house.

The down side is that I really need to do some laundry and that won't be possible without a washer...


  1. Glad you got it figured out. So they buy the washer for you??

  2. Not yet, still waiting for them to call. I work a 12 tomorrow, so I won't be using it then anyway... ;)
