Babies: So I watched Baby Borrowers today (a show about teen couples who are participating in an "experiment" have to take care of a baby like it is their own for 3 whole days. They also apparently get to care for kids of all ages, toddler thru teen? or pre-teen...not sure which, but this episode was about caring for the babes.) with Jamaal. I see myself watching it again, because it was interesting. But I could not believe some of the kids. Jamaal said that the girl, Alicea, "needs to be slapped upside the head, with an open palm." (I asked if that hurt worse than a closed palm (now I'm realizing that a closed palm could also be called a fist, but his visual was demonstrating the difference between fingers spread apart, versus fingers together. Basically spirit fingers versus blades for you cheer/dance folks.) and I didn't want to be a test subject!) Hopefully that wasn't too confusing...some of the kids excelled and didn't have a problem, and others refused to touch the kid because of something trivial. Alicea, for one, was trying to feed her baby, and he was teething, miserable, and she wasn't feeding him right, and she would just be like "oh you won't eat, then let's move on" basically starving the kid, which made him more upset. So the mom (who was watching on a TV outside of the house) decided she needed to intervene and let Alicea know what she was doing wrong. Well Alicea apparently cannot be told what to do, and was pissed off at the mom, so she wouldn't take care of the baby. She forced her boyfriend to do it instead. Jamaal and I felt bad for the guy. was pretty interesting. I think I could handle it (but I'm also much older than these kids) and I think Jamaal could too. I've seen him with kids before and he does well. Next week should be good, because it is toddlers...infants are easy cuz they're slow movers, and basically eat sleep and poop. Toddlers get into everything! I can't wait to watch the young couples fight!! ;)
Pigs: My dog Bella has this stuffed pig about 1/3 her size, that she has had since I got her as a puppy. It is by far her favorite toy (at least I think so...she hasn't told me specifically). She will carry it in her mouth and whine. And whine, and whine. Until she finally finds a hiding spot for it. Usually the hiding spot is somewhere she doesn't see it all the time, so she essentially forgets about it, until she spots it hiding in which case it starts all over again. She is funny...however it gets annoying listening to her whine...because sometimes I think she really just wants us to play with her and her pig.
Storms: We've had a couple lightning storms lately, with some rain, but mostly I think it's been pretty dry. And this reminds me that I need to start to pray for rain on the 4th of July. This has become a tradition for me because I am deathly afraid of having my house burn down. I have been ever since elementary school. The fire fighters used to come in every year and talk to us about fires, and we had to do fake fire drills like we were in our beds at home, and every time I would have nightmares for about a week. (my mom says she wouldn't get much sleep for a week because I would eventually join them in their bed. And I would shake because I was so scared.) So I always, always, always hope for rain on the 4th, because I have visions of a lit firework landing on the roof and burning down the house...lets just say it's hard for me to fall asleep every 4th of July....
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