Wednesday, May 19th
Week 7, day 2. I really can't complain. I have nausea here and there, but it passes easily. Usually a couple Ritz crackers do the trick. I feel dizzy at times, but again, only fleetingly. The biggest upset is I use the bathroom about 3 times as much as normal. I wake up just to pee about 3-5 times a night now. It is getting ridiculous.
Mostly it is due to the fact that my body has increased its blood volume in preparation of this new life that will need my blood to survive. But it also helps that I'm drinking several 32oz mugs of water every day.
I'm also very very tired. I struggle getting out of bed. And often want to get right back into bed only shortly after getting up. After this pregnancy, I realize I'll never be able to sleep again like I have been. So I am taking advantage of sleep.
I signed up to receive emails from with updates on what is going on in my uterus every week. I also joined the January 2011 Birth Club forum, and receive an update of new posts to the forum. It is amazing some of the things these women share/talk about. Most of the ladies have lost a baby or pregnancy before and so of course I don't quite understand how they are feeling. But they obsess over things that really aren't that important. I still read some of the posts though because sometimes people have similar questions/concerns that I have.
Goodness I can't wait to hear that little heart beating!
The weekly updates sound like fun. I'm sure it will be amazing to learn about what is going on each week inside you.