I realized (again) today that I still haven't answered a certain someone about why I use DH to talk about my husband.
In many Internet communities, a lot of people use abbreviations to name their loved ones. Most people do so to protect their loved ones privacy. I have found this to be true in both the blogging community as well as in the Internet forums where people go to share inspiration, or ask questions etc.
Now, I do use my husband's name on this blog. Mostly because I don't really feel his name is all that private. I will not share his social or specific details of course, but if someone really wanted to know his name, they would easily be able to find that out.
But sometimes when I am thinking about what I want to say, DH just sounds right to me.
Here are a few abbreviations found in the blogging world:
DH= Dear Husband or Darling Husband
DD= Dear Daughter or Darling Daughter
DS= Dear Son or Darling Son
IMHO= In My Honest (or Humble) Opinion
MIL= Mother-in-law
FIL= Father-in-law
SIL= Sister-in-law
BIL= Brother-in-law
EDD= Estimated Due Date
DPO= Days Post Ovulation
LMP= Last Menstrual Period
I could go on and on for days.
I've also seen people joke that DH could stand for Dumb Husband. ;)
Know of any other acronyms that confuse you, that you see often or would like to share?
Curious about the title? Have any guesses?? The answer is after the break:
Continued after the break:
You ready now? Give up?
Far More Than You Ever Wanted To Know.
Thanks for the clarification! There are a lot of abbreviations I didn't know about.