Thursday, April 28th
Today we met with an LPN at St. Joe's Women's clinic to gather my health history and pick a midwife. They collected urine from me at the beginning, and after the appointment they stole 7 or 8 tubes of blood from me. I wasn't expecting a blood draw, so this was a surprise.
The LPN asked when my LMP (last menstrual period) was, and I told her. But I was hesitant to tell her. Since my cycles are so long, it is unrealistic to use the normal due date calculator. I'm not normal. I pleaded for her to not use her number. But she did not budge.
According to her calculations, I'm 7 weeks. According to mine, I'm 4. That, is a huge difference at this point. She did bargain with me and scheduled my first ultrasound in 4 weeks (so what I believe is 8 weeks and 4 days). That way, if I'm right (and I know I'm close) I should still see a heart beat. Hopefully my midwife will agree with me and change my due date to the one I predict. A difference between December 12th, and January 3rd.
Is it weird that I'm secretly hoping for twins?? I know they are a lot more work, but goodness imagine the cuteness! :D I saw this double stroller with one seat in front of the other, and the car carriers fit on there too, and it was absolutely adorable. I'm crazy, I know. Only part of me wants twins...and it is highly unlikely. But I just have this feeling...
I've told pretty much all of my close friends, and family members. I finally decided that it doesn't matter at this point. If I receive bad news at my ultrasound, I'd tell them anyway. So I might as well tell them the news, while it is still good. (Hopefully it will continue to be good). :D
How I'm feeling:
I just switched over to night shift, which always messes with my head a bit. But this time seems a little bit worse. Smells are making me crazy. Yogurt doesn't taste the same. Food doesn't sound that appealing.
And unfortunately, I've had a small amount of diarrhea. I'll spare you the details.
But I am beginning to have nausea that comes and goes. Sometimes I feel like I'm going to puke, and I start to think about getting to the toilet, but then it passes. I'm also pretty tired, but again, night shift also makes me tired. And, I haven't been sleeping all that much as of late. (Just related to MD appointments, and visits with friends).
Actually, a nap sounds super amazing right now....hopefully I don't sleep through the night. (It's currently 1935). After I wake up, I need to do dishes...
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