
Friday, November 19, 2010

As promised

Yesterday was our appointment with our midwife. It went well.

We started with the NST. This time they gave me a button to push when he moved. (I was disappointed, because after working all night, and napping for only 45 minutes before, I was ready to sleep through the NST. But instead I had to stay awake and push the button when he moved.)

For a pretty long time, he was sleeping, and not moving hardly at all. But eventually he woke up and was the crazy active guy that he was last time. I watched the strip carefully. Just as before, there were no "contractions" at the beginning, but about halfway in, there were a ton. Some I felt, others I didn't. I was beginning to panic. I knew, that they wouldn't give me medication to stop them, but I was nervous that I would have to be on bed rest.

When they finally took me off the monitor, they brought us into an exam room to wait for Angie (my midwife) to come talk to us. She looked at the strip, noted that he wasn't very active for the first half, but woke up about half-way through. She said his heart rate looked great, and he appeared healthy, and then folded it up and set it aside.

I was dumbfounded. She started to move on to the next topic, but I said "You aren't mad about the contractions?" She simply said "No, they appear to be uterine irritability, and not true contractions."

But they sent me to the hospital last week...and made me stay off my feet....and made me miss work...

She didn't really have an explanation or excuse for last week, but told me I could keep up with water aerobics and didn't have to be on pelvic rest. She told me that if I have 4 full belly, painful contractions in an hour, that I needed to come in, but until then, I'm just fine.

I'm a little bit upset with the last midwife. I got kind of used to the idea of having an early baby. Now I'm sure I'll either have him on Christmas day or after the New Year, because those are the two times I'd prefer to not have him. I'm also not looking forward to the bill. (Of course I know how fortunate I am to have insurance, but I have a $200 deductible per day for every day I'm in the hospital. I don't know if an hour long visit counts, but I'm sure it does...knowing my luck.)

Tomorrow I'm going to the Holiday Craft fair at the Puyallup fairgrounds with my mom and aunt. It will be a fun filled day, with lots of walking. And a wonderful Skinny Cinnamon Dolce Latte to start off the day. :D

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