
Saturday, September 20, 2008

Stupid fights

I wake up this morning just before Jamaal was going to leave for work and there was a puddle of pee in the kitchen (huge!!) and I say "uh oh looks like Bacardi needed outside" thinking that he hadn't seen this puddle. But he simply says "she has" which had to be clarified by me, because he didn't take his eyes off the TV, "well maybe she didn't go outside" I say.

"that was before" says he. (so I am a little disgusted, Bacardi is locked in the kitchen with her puddle, and he didn't even try to clean it up.

Well as he's leaving he takes a few million paper towels and soaks up most of the puddle. The floor is still visibly wet, needing like 2 more paper towels to clean up (my mom bought the sham-wow cloths, and I'll be putting them to good use, marking a couple with Bacardi's name! :D).

But instead of Jamaal grabbing the two paper towels he graps the swiffer wet jet! And I say, "but there's still pee there" and he "yea"

"you should clean that up first or else you are just smearing the pee around the kitchen" says me (probably in a tone by this point, but I don't hear it)

"do you want to do it?" says he

"Yes! Leave!"

and so he did....madly. And he forgot his work computer.

I was very mad, but I've calmed down now. I didn't handle the situation very well, probably because of the following: (and because lately I've been getting very tired of his half-assed jobs...and his lack of caring for keeping nice things nice)

Before this happened I went in the bathroom and noticed he had taken my towel and put it on the floor. "why do you put my towel on the floor?" (because he does this all the time. He needs to have a towel on the floor when he gets out of the shower, don't know why he can't just dry his little footsies with his own damn towel.)

"at the time there were no other towels up here" (this is true; we have a laundry problem. He says he'll help me, and then doesn't so then I stop doing it all, because we BOTH WORK THE SAME # OF HOURS! but because I work twelves he thinks I work less (more days off in a row))

"just use mine" he says. And I look at him disgusted. I don't want to use his towel! "I was clean when I used it" he says. But that doesn't matter, I don't know what it is, but I don't want his clean body germs on me after showering. ;)

Kind of silly fights, him and I will have to talk later...

1 comment:

  1. I like how you labeled this post with both fights, and love. It shows that sometimes they go hand-in-hand! I can understand how household chores can cause friction. I don't want to defend Jaamal too much, but you know he is a guy and lets face it, most of the time household stuff just isn't as important to them. Alot of times, Mike just doesn't SEE the same things I do (like dirty socks in the living room). So I try to tell myself that if it is bothering me, it's really about ME, not him. Because to him - it's no big deal. And yes I feel like it should matter to him if it does to me, but with little things like that I realized quickly that I can't expect him to suddenly care just because I do. Anyway, that's my take. Mike is not that bad, by the way, it's just the little things of course :) Oh and of course this works in reverse - he hates it when I put the towels on the oven rack because when you open it it touches the floor. Big deal :)
