
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Speaking of babies...

So at my Aunt and Sis-in-laws' birthday dinner on Monday, the fam and I were talking about babies...I brought up the fact that my mom went bowling the night before I was born (I was born at 3:10am on the 3/23, she bowled the night before...) So apparently she woke my dad up, said "I think we need to go to the hospital" and she called the hospital to warn them that she was coming, so that our doctor (the all famous Dr. Alleman! woot Kristina! (we had the same MD)) could make it for the birth.

Apparently the lady at the hospital asked "How far apart are your contractions?"

Mom: "I'm not having any"

So the lady said, well why don't you just wait until you have some contractions..

My mom said "Noooo...if I get there and you decide I should go home, I will. But I am coming in"

3 hours later I was born. She said she started to have contractions in the car. But how ridiculous is that???

When my brother was born (my parents were living on a military base, and at that time the husband could go into the Labor room, but not into the birthing room.) So my mom was there, and they hadn't even checked her yet, and when they did finally check her, she was ready to start pushing. My dad had to leave and he heard Shane scream as he walked into the lobby.

Part of me hopes that I follow in her footsteps, so that it isn't all drawn out, but I also know that you can rip terribly with such a fast labor-delivery. (Your body doesn't have time to relax and stretch and make room for a watermelon.)

Then you hear about the ladies that are in labor for 24 hours...


  1. wow thanks for the information about I really want to get pregnant and pop out a watermelon really fast=) I was thinking the quicker it is the better, but maybe not

  2. Wow thanks for sharing that information about ripping,that didn't make me nauseous at all....If babies weren't so darn cute I would totally rethink the whole birthing process=)

  3. I just don't want a C-section. Call me crazy but I would rather have a difficult vaginal labor than having major surgery. That's my biggest fear at this point.

  4. Kayleen, you aren't crazy! I don't want a c-section either, I've seen it, it isn't pretty. It is probably more gruesome than vaginal delivery, they basically rip you apart and tear that baby out. and you don't get to enjoy the cuddly wuddly part after as much because you have a bright blue drape in your face.Wouldn't it be nice if we just had zippers below our belly buttons, and we could just take the stinkers out when they're ready? I joke that I don't want my v-jay disfigured by a vaginal delivery, so I would opt for a c-section, but that is all in jest...the only reason I would have one is for an emergency situation. And of course, that is just something no one wants to think about. (But it happens sometimes). So in short: vaginal deliveries are the natural way, the way babies are SUPPOSED to enter this world. It isn't always pretty, but the experience is much better for all with a vaginal delivery...your body will heal with time...

  5. Just a quick search on Google reveals that c-sections rates are WAY to high in the U.S. It seems like doctors are too quick to jump to that option. Like you said, thank goodness we CAN do them in cases of emergency. However, I just hope that our doctor (and we will be talking this over very clearly) is not too hasty to do one just because they are more "doctor friendlY" (which is what I've heard). Sarah agrees with you and me here, we talked about it extensively at Seaside while you guys went into town:)

  6. What good conversation we have started here! Kayleen, yes, the U.S is doing way too many c-sections...another reason is cosmetics. Movie stars and women who are obsessed with their bodies don't want to carry the baby to full term because they don't want stretched out. So doctors will perform a c-section at about 32 weeks to keep the mom thin...sometimes earlier but let's not go there!
