
Monday, September 15, 2008

My Darling Girls!

Bella and Bacardi, my dogs, are really quite hilarious. It is so amazing to me how different they are. Bella is very loving and territorial about it. For example, she will jump in my lap and love every minute of it. But if Bacardi or (Shadow, my parents' dog) try to get on my lap with her, she growls and snarls and yips and/or bites at them until she either gives up, or the other dog leaves.

Bacardi, on the other hand, loves everyone. She likes to show it too, by liking toes, feet, faces, hands, anything and everything in between.

Bella, my oldest, is a shih tzu/poodle. She has a longer nose like a poodle, and a little bit curlier hair, but otherwise looks most like a shih tzu. Bacardi is a Miniature American Eskimo, so all white, and looks like an artic fox, sometimes a polar bear, depending on what she is doing. :D Both of them are adorable to me. Even though Bella sometimes looks like the Luck Dragon from Neverending Story...which makes her fugly. She is very embarrassed when people compare her to Falcor, so I try to hush people when they start to say it. Regardless, I think she's cute.

The first weekend in September, Jamaal, his friend/my friend, and I went to Idaho, and Jamaal and a few others went skydiving. Well for that trip, my parents puppysat my girls. And on the following Monday (one week ago today) My mom took Bacardi in to get spayed (she can no longer have babies). So I didn't get to see my girls until the 8th of September that was 4 nights away from my girls, and I didn't take Bella home with me when I picked up Bacardi, because she needed to rest after her surgery. (the girls can get a little rough, and I didn't want her to split her stitches!) So I didn't get Bella back until Sunday! And boy did I miss her!

One reason, I missed her, was that Bacardi was bored, so she bothered me a lot. But I also missed having Bella keep me company. She pretty much follows me around, and will sit with me as I fold clothes or will sleep next to me. When I didn't have either dog, I found out that I talk to myself a lot...when they are around I am talking to them...but when they aren't...

I have to get Bacardi's stitches out sometime later this week.

Earlier when I was working on a different blog, Bella jumped in my lap, followed closely by Bacardi...Bella growled, when she felt Bacardi was taking her (Bella's) attention, but otherwise was fine. It was difficult to have both dogs in my lap! :D

Bella, on Left, Bacardi on right. (and my messy computer desk upfront and center! :D


  1. I like how it looks like they are posing for the camera!

  2. I like how they both HAD to be in your lap! I can just imagine them both wanting attention :)
