
Friday, February 11, 2011

Sleepless in Seattle

Another week has flown by already! I have wanted to post several times this week, but I'm usually nursing someone when I think about posting. The way we sit, I have one arm free, and part of my other one, which makes reaching for the keyboard on my laptop difficult. I refuse to hunt and peck with one hand to write a post. That would just take way too long. Anyway, enough of the excuses. If I don't hurry up, someone will wake up and I will be right back at that place, with one arm free. ;)

This week has been exhausting. Riley has been having some rough nights. Last night he screamed/cried/fussed pretty much nonstop from 2200 to 0300. I tried everything. Nursing him worked for a while, but then he would begin to fight that, which usually means he needs a burp. So I would burp him, and he would then start crying again. So I would try nursing him, which he sometimes would be amenable to, and sometimes not. I tried rocking, and walking, and bouncing and swinging, and all of these things worked some of the time, but only for a short time. I changed his diaper and outfit, and he was extremely calm lying on the changing table on his pack and play. But of course he couldn't stay on there forever. It was really upsetting to have to pick him up, because that only upset him further. 

I was really frustrated, until finally he could no longer fight anymore, and nursed himself to sleep. 

I think the trigger last night was me attempting to put him down in his pack and play. Because up until that moment he was calm. I nursed him to sleep, and tried to set him down, but he quickly woke up. I didn't let him get too crazy, because he is way easier to put back to sleep if you get to him right as he wakes, but this time he was having none of it, and we started the downward spiral. I really hope this was not the case, and he just had an upset tummy or something, because I do not want him making a habit of it.

I'm beginning to notice, however, that Riley is a bit demanding. I call him bipolar, because he will smile at me, and in that same breath could start crying. But when he does smile at me, it about melts my heart. 

And guess who is awake again...  

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