And the killer stood by, wagging her tail and acting excited to see me. (However when the broom came out, she and her accomplice were worried and hid from me.)
(I promise, we have never hit them with the broom, it is just a large scary object that has probably fallen too many times with them nearby. It probably doesn't help that they often get in trouble, and then the broom comes out to clean up after them...)
Probably a more traumatic event was the death of Pig. Pig has been a strong, loyal and true companion for Bella. He has been with us since May 2007, when I got Bella. At first, Bella didn't know what to do with Pig. He was about the same size as she, so she was barely able to sink her teeth into his plump arms and legs. Eventually Bella realized Pig's beauty and would walk around with him in her mouth whining, until she could find the perfect hiding place for him. He would hide for a while, until she remembered where he was hiding, or until I asked "Where's Pig?" whichever came first. She would search high and low for Pig, until again he was in her mouth and she was whining. On this fateful day, Jamaal left Pig with both Bella and Bacardi, which was a mistake. Bacardi goes into "destroy" mode when left alone, and Pig didn't stand a chance against her. So now Pig isn't nearly as plump, but Bella seems to still enjoy his company.
Bella and deflated Pig. (He is completely empty now...)
I had to go to the store to buy new bones for the girls, as you can see, the top bone is a brand new bone, the bottom is a used one. It has been loved.
Bella gnawing on a bone.
Bacardi's new Witch ball. She likes it...
Can you tell what this is?
This time, Bella is the guilty party. Bacardi was outside....
Can you tell yet? It is a tea bag. There were 4 partially chewed Orange Pekoe tea bags on the kitchen floor. Fortunately it was in the kitchen...This is not the first time we have found tea bags chewed and littering our floors. I have found tea grounds on my Bella's beard...that beard has helped us to see who did what many a time. Cinnamon and frosting has been in Beller's beard before. Bacardi has a little more leeway with that, it's easier for her to clean her face up....
Here is a video of my babes...(I hope it works)
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