
Sunday, June 6, 2010

TMI to follow.

The Good.
I still am pretty much free of nausea. Ever so often I get a touch queasy, so I eat something and feel better. I work with several mamas, and pretty much all of them have had awful nausea. One girl would stare at her pantry looking for something to eat, because she was starving, but eventually she would lose her cookies just thinking about the food. Another girl would come to work, try to eat, and would always have a garbage can next to her, for the eventual regurgitation. Yet another would guzzle chocolate milk, then run to the toilet. She always wanted more chocolate milk, but could never keep it down.

I feel pretty guilty for having so little nausea. It actually makes me nervous as well, as if something is wrong with the baby. Whenever I feel like complaining, I remember that it could always be worse.

I am 10 weeks and 2 days along now. I have less than 5 weeks until my next appointment, which is super exciting. I didn't ask if there would be another ultrasound or not at this appointment, but if there is, we might get to find out the gender of this little gummy bear. There are mixed feelings out there, my family is rooting for healthy pink. I think Jamaal's mom would like a granddaughter since she has only sons, but Jamaal's brother wants a nephew.

Obviously we'll take what we get, and everyone is hoping for a healthy little bundle. But I keep thinking "Please let there be no penis." ;)

Today is Jamaal and my Anniversary. 1 year of marriage. 5 years together. 1 baby cooking. And I couldn't be happier. We laugh together daily (when we get to see each other). And still enjoy being around one another. :D

I bought Trophy cupcakes to celebrate. We will also try our wedding cake top, but since I wasn't sure how well it will taste, I wanted to have a back up. Jamaal loves the cupcakes. Yesterday he asked me what it was that they put in them, because they tasted so good. :D This is a dangerous thing, I do better when he doesn't like something, because I won't get it if he doesn't care for it. He loves do I...cupcakes will be visiting our house again in the future.

Last night I made some banana bread, and it is pretty darn good. It tastes like Christmas. So when I taste it I think about how shortly after Christmas I'll get to meet the little gummy bear for the first time. :D It cannot come soon enough.

The Bad.

I am not without any symptoms. One of the worst ones is pretty bad constipation. I've been taking stool softeners, which helps a little, but I find that I have some diarrhea at times too. So I go between pretty bad constipation, followed by diarrhea. It's like I cannot win. I'm thinking of trying Senna (a laxative) to see if I can get things moving instead of softening. It's pretty gross. And unfortunate. But it's the price I pay for not being nauseated I guess.

I also have some lower back pain. It does not radiate down my legs or butt, so as of yet it isn't sciatica pain. But it is pretty bad. It twinges when I get up out of chairs sometimes. I find it is worse when I'm at work, which makes me think it is related to my stress level. I must be tensing up in a way that aggravates it. I really want to see a chiropractor to get it better controlled.

My girls have been causing mischief as well. Yesterday Jamaal mowed the lawn. On one side of our house, we have double fences. There is one at the front of the house and one at the back of the house. Jamaal left the one at the back of the house open, but the front one was shut. I went to let the girls in, and Bella was the only dog that came. I looked everywhere for Bacardi. I didn't know how she got out, since the front gate was shut. Jamaal came home while I was searching the backyard. I asked if he had seen Bacardi, and he said "no." I went out front and couldn't find her there either. I was beginning to panic.

Well, the husband had lied. He put her in the front seat of his car. He said "I can't believe you didn't see her there." I didn't see her because I didn't look there. I was a little upset with him for lying to me. I was really worried about her. She's cute. People might like to keep her for themselves. She also is pretty loving to most strangers eventually, so she might even not fight them. Or worse, she could get hit by a car, and get hurt, or killed.

The gate at the front of the house is a little bit short, so Bacardi just crawled out from under it. So, we shut the gate in the back of the house. Then this morning after I let the girls out, they didn't come when I called them to come in. I was smarter this time. I threw on a bathrobe (I had just gotten out of the shower) and went to the front yard and called for Bella and Bacardi. Bella was munching on something she found right next to the front of the house. My guess is cat poop. Blech. But again, Bacardi was nowhere to be found. I went inside to double check the backyard, and to wake Jamaal if she wasn't there. We were going to have to do a sweep of the neighborhood. Thankfully she's a smart cookie. When she heard me go to the front yard, she pretended like she never left the back yard. I'm no fool though. Both girls were in trouble. But I was thankful to have found them.

The Ugly.

Could I be pregnant with a girl? They say that girls steal their mother's beauty...and I'm breaking out a lot more than usual. It's not terribly bad but I sure don't feel very pretty.

My hair is also pretty dry and frizzy. It's frustrating. I'm sure it has something to do with the chlorine from water aerobics. It could also be that I haven't had my hair cut since March. I don't know when I'll be able to get in to get my haircut now, because I have plans most days this week.


  1. I know it will be so fun to read about you going thru your first pregnancy. :) Check with your Dr. about the laxative, I know mine said not to take them, but of course, follow your own. :) But if you do have any questions, Im always here! :D Also, a fun/funny read if you get bored is Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy. OH- and I only had about 1 week of HORRIBLE morning sickness with Siara, and that was it, I felt great the rest of the time! Unlike Silas, I was sick for 5 months!

  2. Thanks Stacy.

    My midwife says it's okay to take Peri-colace, which is a mix of docusate (the stool softner I'm taking) and senna (the laxative I talked about). I don't plan on using the laxative every day, just when I really can't stand it anymore. I know I'm going to have an even worse time when I have a mechanical reason for having constipation (ie. a baby crushing my bowels). I want to get it figured out before then.

  3. Also, not to freak you out but the worst constipation for me occurred AFTER giving birth. You definitely have to take something because otherwise you don't poop for like a week! I swear, you're never the same "down there" again :/ but, once again, it's totally worth it in the end!!

    Also, I just noticed you need to change your profile about me thing. Your two "babies" are no longer your only babies!!! :)
