
Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm a brilliant dreamer

If you know me very well, you know that I have pretty regular, crazy, vivid dreams...last night is a prime example of that.

I decided to write a cookbook. This in itself isn't a crazy idea. Most people know that I like to make recipes up and create in the kitchen...but the crazy part was it just wasn't any kind of cookbook.

It was a cookbook slash erotic novel. And my good friend Seth Rogen was helping me to write it. Please do not ask why a person would put a recipe book and an erotic novel together. But I am hereby copyrighting the idea. Don't steal it from me.

A quick google search, and you can find some erotic food cook books, but this was different. there was story before each recipe, and after. It was like the best idea I'd ever had! And Seth Rogen agreed!! :D

haha...would you buy it??


  1. Oh boy, that is a crazy dream. I've been having crazy dreams lately too, like the other night I was piecing together carpet in the basement... I may blog about it. Sounds thrilling huh? I bet yours was more out there ;)

  2. And I would be first in line at your book signing. :P
