For my pregnant lady friend: (I won't soon be able to say that...)
(Update: This is actually kind of fun....I started with 25, and have since added to it...we'll see how many I end up with.)
1. Even though I have never given birth, I feel like a mother to my two dogs. I miss them a lot when I leave them with my parents for a trip. I call to check in on them just like a mom would. When I'm home alone with them, and even if I'm not alone, I talk to them, probably more than I realize.
2. I love Grande, Nonfat, Extra hot, light foam, Caramel Macchiatos from Starbucks.
3. I have a radio in my head. I will hum or sing a song, and then move on to another. Often I don't know where the song came from, it just comes to me.
4. I love an ice cold glass of water. Water tastes so much better cold, to me.
5. I prefer Coke Zero to Diet Coke, and really don't like Diet Pepsi.
6. Popcorn is probably the best snack food in the world.
7. I believed in Santa until I was about 13 years old. My mom (and dad) were that good. Santa has a different handwriting, and different wrapping paper, and he always surprised me on Christmas. Even though my friends didn't believe in him, I just said "You guys just don't know...obviously you were bad this year..."
8. I have never finished a scrapbook for myself. I have 3 started, but none finished. I have done a couple for others though.
9. I love playing video games, especially RPG (Role playing games). If you don't know what that means, it is a game where you get to choose the characters responses, and often you get to name them etc. Final Fantasy is an example of an RPG. And yes, I realize how nerdy this makes me.
10. I missed math classes in college. IF I had room in my schedule, I would have minored in Math, and/or taken a few classes for fun.
11. I can handle looking at blood, pee, poop and most vomit. But cough up a loogie in front of me, and I gag. I do not handle snot or respiratory secretions well. I could never be a respiratory therapist/respiratory RN/or an ICU RN because of this.
12. I get incredibly grumpy if I do not eat regularly, or if I don't get enough sleep. (It's best to not talk to me if I'm both tired and hungry).
13. My torso is disproportionate to my legs. My torso is incredibly short, and I have pretty long legs. Makes me nervous for the 8 and 9th months of pregnancy, where will that baby go?? Either all the way out, or down into my pelvis, crushing my bladder...or perhaps both?
14. I have very detailed, strange, and realistic feeling dreams. Often I wake up and think part of my dream was one dream, Jamaal had either cheated on me, and/or done something that was not quite loyal to me. I knew that it was a dream, but it felt so real I had to ask him to make sure. (It doesn't make him happy when I do that, because he doesn't like getting in trouble for things I've made "him" do in my dreams...)
15. My mom was going to name me Shannon Aubri, but since I was a "surprise" (they wanted to have me 2 years after my brother, but I ended up coming 7.5 years later...) by the time she had me, she no longer liked the name Shannon, so I ended up with Aubri Elizabeth. Elizabeth is my great grandma's middle name. I think Shannon Aubri sounds funny...
16. I think it is silly to name a child something like Christopher, while having the intention to call him Chris. If you want to call your child Chris, I think you should name them Chris. Sometimes nicknames arise later on, and that doesn't bother me. But if your name is Christopher, that is what you should be addressed as...
17. I have a hard time pronouncing "Jeremy" it always comes out as "Germy."
18. I am incredibly ticklish. I can barely stand to have a pedicure, because it tickles so much. There are very few places that I am not ticklish...
19. I rarely sneeze once at a time. And yes, I sound like a small dog when I sneeze several times in a row.
20. I was 19 years old when I had my first kiss. It was not my favorite moment in time. My first kiss with Jamaal, about 7 months later, was much better. :)
21. I'm not a big "hug" person. I hug family, and close friends, but feel awkward hugging most anyone else. I don't like others to touch me either, really. So I refuse to get massages for this reason. It's okay if it is someone close to me, but strangers, acquaintances, and/or people I don't know that well, I'd rather they not touch me.
22. I often think something, and realize a little later that it was a stupid thought, but still say it anyway. For example, Lamar (Jamaal's brother) parked his car in the Bellagio parking lot in Vegas, which was close by where the rest of us had walked to. I thought "How will we get Lamar's car now, will we walk back here later to pick it up?" When really he parked there, and we would all pile in, and get driven back to our hotel down the strip....I realized this was the case but still said "I see why Lamar parked here! We can drive back to our hotel!" Everyone looked at me like I was ridiculous...I should have kept it to myself...
23. Thunderstorms freak me out. I do not like them at all...if I wake up it is very difficult for me to fall back asleep again because I think about all the terrible things that could happen, like a tree falling on my house, or a fire being started etc.
24. In elementary the firefighters used to come in every year to tell us about fire safety. They often had a little "house" set up to have us practice escaping if our house caught on fire. For 1 week after they came, I would have nightmares that my house caught on fire, and would wake up freaked out. I would think that every noise I heard was a fire starting, and/or someone in my house. I would lay there wide awake for what felt like hours, until I finally had the courage to tip toe into my parents room and squeeze into their bed with them. Once in bed with them I would shiver...and my mom would say "Aubri, stop that shivering!" but I couldn't help it....
25. I am a side sleeper, and usually drool or sleep with my mouth wide open. I am a very deep sleeper and it takes a lot for me to wake up. Jamaal often finds himself near the edge of the bed because he isn't as aggressive as I am, and lets me push him around. ;)
26. I hate shaving my legs. It takes way too long. However, I love having nice smooth legs. But since it is cold, nearly all the time, pretty much immediately after I shave I get goosebumps, which makes my hairs grow, and I'm back where I started. It is so frustrating!
27. I dislike cleaning, but I also hate messes. I feel like I can't think straight when I have a cluttered work space. But I hate actually doing the cleaning. It is so futile.
28. I am not a very strong swimmer.
29. I always take a half a stick of gum, a full stick is too much. Jamaal is irritated by this, he hates having a half a stick left over, floating around in the pack. Sometimes I will take two half sticks and chew one on each side of my mouth and see how long I can go without mixing the two. :D
30. I love baking. I also love cooking. I love creating food, and getting to see people's reactions to my products. I have made up many more recipes than is actually on my food blog...most of them are just kind of "okay" so I don't feel up to sharing them, and a couple of them I just forgot to share, and now I don't know if I have the recipe anymore.
Haha I know what you mean about the firefighters coming in elementary school! I would lay in bed and go through the drills. I remember picturing how I would jump out the window, and if I could fit my mattress through it for a softer landing. I would get so scared of fires that as a family we would have to actually have pretend fires and then go through the drills. HAha* glad I wasn't the only paranoid 4th grader ; )