
Friday, August 24, 2012

Happy Friday!

After nearly 18 months, today I had my Mirena removed. There are a couple reasons for this, first, my son is almost 2, and I'm starting to feel a little itchy for a baby. And to be honest, I think he is too. At my cousin's house (who has 3 little girls) he loved pushing around a doll stroller with his Tigger in it. He is so very helpful (most of the time) and will assist with many chores. He throws things away for me, puts his toys away, and will push the right buttons on the dishwasher or washer/dryer when asked to. He also feeds the girls for us. We just have to fill the cup up with the amount we want them to have. He will pour the cup out into the bowl regardless of how much is in it. (And when he misses a couple pieces of dog food, he will sit there and pick each one up and put it in that dog's bowl. It is something he doesn't need to do, because they will eat it, but he is a slight neat freak.) :)

The second reason, is one that is a little bit more detailed. And for that reason I'm going to put it behind a "jump break." That way, it is your own fault if you accidentally read something you don't want to. It isn't too graphic, but it is a bit detailed and personal, so some people might not want to read about it. Hint: it involves my reproductive organs.

Read on...
About a week ago, my husband and I had sex and it was painful for me. This was not normal for me. (Nor should it be for any lady). The following next two days I had the worst abdominal pain and cramping in my life. It was constant, sharp, sometimes stabbing, pain. It felt almost as if I had a really awful bladder infection. On Friday the pain was so bad it was hard for me to sit upright. I could barely walk without grimacing. I seriously considered going into the ER. I was concerned about possibly having a ectopic pregnancy (where the embryo embeds somewhere else other than the uterus usually in the fallopian tubes, but it really could be anywhere). I was also a little worried that my IUD (intrauterine device) had punctured my uterus. You know how it is, things like this happen after 5pm on Friday, so you can't just call your MD to get in and be seen. So I waited a few days and finally was able to get an appointment today. The pain I was having passed just as quickly as it came. But after I made my appointment, you know who came to visit? That pesky Aunt Flo.

I am pretty sure that the cramping and pain was related to the monthly visitor, and it was just a lot worse with the IUD in there. I mean, a cramping uterus squeezing some plastic device equals some pain and discomfort.

This is my very first period since 2010 when I got pregnant....I'm really not looking forward to more in the future. I told my doctor that, and she said "Well, just get pregnant really quick then." :) (Though this one is really quite light compared to what used to be normal for me.)

If only it were that easy.

Now, I have to get my nose back into my fertility books and pay attention to my body. I bought a planner today to help me track, that is what I used before and it helped me a lot. And I just paid for an app that allows me to track my temperature and other symptoms as well. (And it helps to determine ovulation.) It cost me $5, which is definitely worth it, whereas a lot of the other apps make you pay $2.50 per month. :)

Time to go make pizza. :) Happy Friday everyone!


  1. Exciting!

    I've only had about 4 cycles since I GOT MARRIED! But that's because I keep getting pregnant or am breastfeeding ;)

  2. Yesterday I was in line behind Missy, Shannon's older sister, and she had 4. Her youngest was about a year. Her oldest about 6. It was quite interesting to be a fly on the wall, she had her hands full, for sure, but had a full heart as well. I spoke with her afterwards, and turns out she lives near me now. It is really such a small world. (I only mention this because this will be you very soon.) :)

    1. crazy! Did you ask about Shannon?

      When/if we get pregnant with our fourth I'm wondering how people will react. I think it will be the hardest. Even my own parents sounded surprised that we weren't done (even though I told them before we got married!)

  3. Yes, this is exciting! I hope that it can be easy for you this 2nd time and that you can get a little girl ;) Riley sounds like he is ready to be a big brother!
