
Monday, February 20, 2012


Are you curious yet, about the secret I had mentioned yesterday?

Well, I hope you are. Because I can't wait to share.

I was just offered a job with Weight Watchers as a receptionist. :)

Do you see now why I want to wait a little bit before I get pregnant again? As an employee of WW you are expected to be within 2 pounds of your goal weight. I have read about some employees having babies and then coming back after their baby is born. But, for obvious reasons, you are not allowed to follow the program and be pregnant at the same time. I don't really know how it works, if I can't work while pregnant or how that will go, but I'd like to get settled into the job, and then find out about all of those details.

A receptionist's job is to welcome members, weigh them in, act as cashier, and sign people up. The shifts are usually only 2.5 hours and I will be doing 2 a week. If I can swing it, maybe be able to do two meetings in a row, so just one day per week is my WW day. :)

We'll see. I'm giddy and nervous all at the same time.

This is one definite way to keep me accountable. :)

OH! Now I need to go buy some "business casual" clothing. I definitely need some slacks. Jeans and scrubs just won't cut it! :)


  1. Congrats again! I was trying to post that I was very curious for your news, but I don't think it went through. So I'm happy you shared the news so fast. :) How did you find out about the job? I mean did someone tell you about the opening or do you know someone who has done the job before? It sounds like a fun side job.

  2. Congrats Aubri! That sounds like fun. I would have fun shopping with you, if you invited me :)
