
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Baby Fever

Since Riley turned a year old, I have been thinking about having baby #2. I truly think I'm ready for another little bundle, but there are so many reasons why we shouldn't right now. I held Jamaal's cousin's 5 month old (who was premature so she is developmentally just a touch behind schedule, yet weighs almost as much as Riley does. :D) She fell asleep in my arms, and was just so precious to hold.

There are so many things about pregnancy that I just don't miss. Mostly, being a gestational diabetic. That just wasn't fun. However, I do think that since I've done it once before, I could handle it a bit easier this time.

There wouldn't be an issue if it weren't for maternity leave. I don't want to have to go back to work right away. And I don't have very much leave time saved up yet. So that would mean I wouldn't get to stay home as long as I did with Riley (16 weeks). At least I wouldn't get paid as much as I did, and way back then it was a huge difference in pay. Since I am working less now, we are less able to save up some funds to help cover me being on maternity leave. We need my paycheck right now.

My solution is simple:

If Jamaal gets a better job, which he has been applying for one and will hopefully hear back after the new year, we might be able to handle me going on leave. He would make more, with the opportunity for overtime, so we would likely be able to save something.

I've applied at a couple other places as well. But that doesn't really go with the whole plan. As it would be even more difficult to go on maternity leave after starting a brand new job. Mostly, I am just interested in working someplace closer to my home. That would make childcare a touch easier, and would decrease my transit time a little.

I'm hopeful that Jamaal would also be able to take some parental leave, so that we could have some time together as a family. He was only able to take off 5 days after Riley was born, and two of those days were the weekend. (We had Riley on a Thursday and by Tuesday he was back to work.) While it was rough then, I'm sure it would be even more difficult trying to manage a newborn and a toddler at the same time.

Here's to the new year! And someday, the New Neagle...


  1. I love the thought about Baby #2!! (if you need someone to do newborn pictures, I'd love to get some practice..hehe) :D We're thinking about baby #3 Summer 2013. Jamaal should try Boeing if he hasnt already, if he needs any pointers my Dad helped Shayna's husband with his application process and I can get the info for you!

  2. Baby #3 to be formed Summer 2013, or to debut Summer of 2013? This is a big difference...a 9 months difference actually! :D

    I will private message you about Jamaal's application process.

    I don't want to pressure Jamaal into getting pregnant again. I want him to be all in, as they say. And I don't think he is there yet. As far as he is concerned, Riley has just started to become a person. His personality is starting to show, and he is starting to be a little bit of a handful. I think Jamaal feels like we should enjoy Riley for a moment. In part I agree, however I realize that 9 months from now, I will think "Riley needs a sibling" and then I will be sad that we didn't give him one sooner. And I am home a bit more with the babe, and feel like I have known him a bit longer. Only a mother can feel this way, in my opinion at least.

    I also have a nagging feeling in the back of my head that I am 9.5 years younger than my brother. For whatever reason, my parents had trouble conceiving me. They actively tried for most of those years, and when they finally gave up and got rid of the crib, surprise! :) While I have had a good life, and I would not trade my brother in, if given the opportunity, it would have been nice for me to have had a sibling to play with. I essentially grew up as an only child. So there is that concern as well, that I will have the same difficulty conceiving baby #2. My parents were quickly pregnant with my brother (married in November, and my brother was born the following October) just as we were quickly pregnant with Riley.

    And now that I have written all of that, I believe it is a little more than what you were asking. Yes, we would love you to do newborn photos. :) haha.

  3. Debut Summer 2013 :)
    I know what you mean, it wasnt until recently that Sean even would talk about a third baby. He just wasnt into the idea, but always promised me he would think about it. So I tried not to bother him, especially since we already do have two You have to be patient with boys..haha. I can tell you from my experience with my kids, it is so great, they are 22 months apart and are so great together. Sometimes, there is the fights since Silas may not understand sharing yet, or that if Sissy wants to be left alone, she means it. But now that he is starting to talk, alot, it is easier to communicate and explain to him what is going on.
    Yay, I would love to practice on a newborn babe..Sean got me a new lens for Christmas! :D
