
Friday, December 16, 2011

Riley's life in review.

Day 1- After 8.5 months of waiting, he was finally in my arms. He made lots of noise when breathing, and kept the nurses on edge, but he was just a noise maker, there wasn't a problem. At 12 days old, he went to his very first movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1

Month 1- This is an outfit his Uncle Lamar got him from Sweden. This was a rough time for mama, because he never slept at night.

Month 2- This picture was taken during a trip to visit with other babies from ladies I went to high school with. Some of you might recognize a certain baby girl's fist in this photo. :D He began smiling during this month.


Month 3- His very fist St. Patty's day. His daddy is part Irish, so this Holiday is kind of big on that side of the family. :D He started sleeping long periods of time (4 hours or longer) during this month. Mommy and daddy went out on their first "date" to the movie Paul.

 Month 4- He laughed for the first time during this month. Mommy had to go back to work.

Month 5- Daddy was playing video games, and Riley fell asleep. :D He went to his first Sounder's game this month against Portland (it was a tie). He really started grabbing things, and became interested in his feet. We went to ocean shores on vacation as a family, with a friend (and his girlfriend). Uncle Lamar scored his first MLS goal! :D

Month 6- He began solids this month. He ate homemade rice cereal in this photo. Most of it ended up on his face or clothes at first, but he really enjoyed eating. He started sitting up on his own this month. 

Month 7- Here he is eating prunes mixed with rice cereal. He loves eating. He started saying "ba ba ba" and "da da da." Mommy and daddy went camping, and left him behind. He stayed with both grandmas, each for a night. He actually slept better for them. At the end of this month, he started going from stomach to sitting, and started rocking on hands and knees. Near the 8th month he started crawling officially.

Month 8- He continues to love food. Most of the pictures I have from this month include him eating. :D Here, he has a rice puff stuck on his nose. :D He slept in his own room starting this month. He would flip right to his stomach, and make mama nervous, but he still will only sleep on his stomach.

Month 9- Here he is enjoying chicken noodles. During this month he had his first taste of dog food, and liked it. Blech. He has never swallowed any dog food, but we often have to sweep it out of his mouth. That kid is fast! He started eating oatmeal, banana and lightly toasted toast. He started pulling himself up and standing while holding on to things this month. And started walking around items as well, while holding on of course.

 Month 10- Here he is enjoying some Cheerios. But it looks like he is giggling, or telling a secret. :D He often "lounges" while eating, sticking his feet up on his tray, like he is doing here.  He eats a lot of different things, and is really good at feeding himself finger foods. He had his first big "owie" on Halloween. He cut his lip open on the corner of a coffee table. BTW, he dressed up as a bear. We had a bear outfit already, and mommy colored his nose with some stamp ink. Easy. He got really good at walking while holding on to things this month. We thought for sure he would walk.

Month 11- He took 3 steps before sitting down and crawling. By the end of the month, he was walking about half time. He eats pretty much anything you give him. His first Thanksgiving was filled with stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potato, and green beans. He loved it.

One year- He started walking most of the time a couple days ago. Now, it is clear, that he would rather walk. He is able to stand up from the middle of the room. He is able to pause to pick something up, and continue on. He loves playing with cars, and "vrooming." He loves gold fish crackers (and really any type of cracker you give him). I would say that bananas are his favorite food though. If they didn't constipate him, I would give them to him daily. :D He is still wearing 6 months and 6-9 months clothing. 9 months clothes are a bit big still. He started drinking from a straw a few weeks ago (okay so technically in Month 11), and now will go crazy for water from a straw. A couple nights ago one of Riley's toys said "bye bye" and he mimicked it. He repeated this two more times, but doesn't do it much anymore. Today he kept repeating "Hi" while we were out shopping.
Happy Birthday to my baby boy! Mommy and Daddy love you much. 


  1. yay Riley! You made it to a year! And your parents survived it too! It has been a pleasure getting to you know, little guy. I love that I have my little Josie pie who is practically the same age, so it's been fun getting you guys together and seeing you grow up together. I hope next year brings many more adventures and happy times. You have made your mommy very proud. And as one of your mommy's best friends, I can say that I am very proud of her, too. She has become a mother, and that too was a pleasure to witness. You and your little family (that hopefully one day will grow even more) are in my prayers - love you Riley man!

  2. Thank you Kayleen. :D We love you too. I'm so very happy to be able to watch our children grow up together.
