I'm sure they would have some pretty funny things to say.
I honestly believe they would have some pretty vulgar vocabulary. Because sometimes they do things that really must have some sort of cuss word in front of it.
Example Number 1:
Bacardi must have fresh water at all times. They have a plastic double dish that we keep filled with water, and they go through it pretty quick. It has metal insets for the water to go in. If Bacardi finds it empty she will flick the metal dishes out of the base in protest.
Other times she will simply go into the main bathroom, find the toilet cover up, and drink from the toilet. When I see her go into that bathroom, I know why, and I'll call her out.
Her speech bubble reads: "B*&#$ I told you to keep fresh water in that bowl!"
Example Number 2:
Some times Jamaal or I will wake up the girls in the middle of the night by turning on the lights. Their eyes open, and Bella won't even lift up her head. Her eyes glare at us as if to say "WTF man, I'm sleeping here!"
Other times they might not have such vulgar speech, like the times when Bella runs into a wall and looks around to see if anyone saw. (Or she's looking around to see what hit her...) Either way I imagine her thoughts would be hilarious to hear.
Jamaal and I watched Up! the other day, and in that movie the dogs talk. In other words you hear their thoughts. It is hilarious, because sometimes they will randomly shout out "Squirrel!" which is exactly something Bacardi would do. I loved the dogs in that movie, because so much of what they said is what I imagine my girls saying. I kept looking to see if Jamaal agreed with me, and for the most part he did.
By the way, if you haven't seen Up! you should, but just make sure to wash your face first, and have cucumbers ready for after...I bawled. But I cry at commercials...
I loved the movie UP! It's crazy how much I got into that movie. I was bawling too, and at the edge of my seat! So good : ) I love dogs!