
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A one dog family

Is what we almost became.

At 0330 I heard the heaves I've dreaded for so long. Followed by purging.

Not once, but twice onto the beautiful new carpet.

I knew it would happen eventually. My girls empty the contents of their stomachs way more than they probably should. They also eat things they probably shouldn't.

Thus far Jamaal or I have caught them and shoved them outside before they've been able to dirty my pretty carpet.

I was up and trying to get Bacardi outside when she threw up the second time. Which made it even more disappointing.

Shag carpet...while it hides things well, is very very difficult to clean.

Fortunately for her, the carpet cleaner worked and, besides the wet spots on the carpet, you can't tell she puked. The worst part is you can't see the wet spots, so you find them by feel.

Had the carpet cleaner not worked, we might have become a one dog family. ;)

If you read this blog at all, you know that I would never get rid of one of my babies. But I would have been less inclined to give her a treat. :D

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