Since I last updated, a lot of things have been going on. I will post later with some pictures of a couple things that I did last week (one was having my youngest nephew over to spend the night!)
But I thought I would let you all know that my wisdom holes have been healing well. (I actually never really had any holes because they were able to stitch me up pretty well. I'm eating normally now, but do have a little pain at times on the gum line, but that comes and goes.
I have a shoulder pain that comes and goes that I don't really know why it hurts, and that is my new gripe. I need to go to the MD about it to possibly get a physical therapy prescription, but kind of got busy my last two days off so I did not go. The pain doesn't really happen until I'm at work, and then it kills me. I don't know what I'm doing at work to hurt it, so it leads me to believe it is stress related.
We'll see.
In other news Jamaal and I will be buying a house here soon. Well, I say that, but we will be looking at the first few options on saturday. BUT we are able to put an offer in at any time. Mostly the issue is location. We would prefer to be north of our parents, kind of situated around I-5, ideally right around where we are currently. However, this area tends to be more expensive, and we've been spoiled with a big house, so it would be hard for us to downsize a ton. Obviously we would do so if we had to, but the fact is that if we lived around our parents we could have a bigger place. So we just have to figure out our priorities. We found one house that is basically gutted, which would be a ton of work. But we would be willing to do so as long as we could get a loan for a lot of extra dough to do the remodel....we'll see.
Good luck with the house process, keep us posted! Also, I am glad your mouth is healing and I hope that you get your shoulder figured out, that sounds painful.
ReplyDeleteAny word on the house?