
Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'm dreaming of a rainy christmas...

Much like the ones I used to know.

I am getting tired of the snow. It is currently snowing outside...adding to the foot of snow we already had. My mom says it is raining in federal way, so I'm hoping the rain comes soon. But I'm doubtful.

So on monday morning I went to work 3 hours late, the reason was that the snow was so deep I couldnt get out of my neighborhood. I have hills all over the place and they do not plow them either. So I needed to wait until other people had driven before attempting to go to work. I-5 was clear once I got there, but when I got to montlake, right by the hospital it was a mess again. I felt out of control a lot when driving from the exit to the parking lot I am supposed to park in. The bad news is that when I went into my parking lot, there was even more snow than on the road. And since there was so much snow, the cars were parking crooked so that it was difficult to get through them to park. So I went to a parking long that I'm technically not supposed to park in, and when I tried to maneuver the car, the front tires (front-wheel drive van) started spinning. I was stuck, and in the wrong parking lot. So I called security and they tell me I could have parked in a parking garage! Annoying....

Anyway, because of how messy it was getting in, I decided I didnt want to go home after 12 hours of work, and just wanted to sleep at the hospital. They set some people up in the Inn (a hotel) but they had to share a room. I was set up in the Crow's nest, which is where the residents go to sleep when they are on call, or just need a nap. It is like a very stingy dorm. The rooms are big enough to fit a small twin bed with about 3 feet around 2 sides of the bed. It smelt old up there. I was pretty cold, there was a baseboard heater, that was turned all the way up, but it didn't do much, and I had 3 hospital blankets (which are very light anyway) and my sweatshirt on with hood up. I got comfy enough to sleep.

It was not that bad. It sucked to stay at the hospital and then have to wear hospital issue blue scrubs all day (I like my colors) and feel disgusting from not showering, but it was better than facing the roads again.

On tuesday, I was given time off for my last 4 hours, but my charge made me stay for 1.5 hours to make sure things were settled (it was stupid, but whatever). And remember folks that my van was stuck in the parking lot on monday when I got there.

I remembered how much snow there was, and I brought a fractionated bed pan (visit the link for a picture and a little information about them; we use them for hip patients who aren't supposed to bend at the hip very far. and some others who can't handle the height of standard issue bed pan.) to help dig myself out. It worked well as a shovel, but it didnt matter how much I dug, (i could see the pavement) my tires would continue to spin. They were on patches of snow that had been compacted into ice...

When I realized I needed more help, I called the University Police, and an operator there told me they might be able to help, they would send someone with sand to help give me traction. About an hour later someone came. He put sand on my front tires, and still they continued to spin, so while I was pushing the gas a touch, (in reverse) he pushed from the front to help get me off that patch. It worked and away I went!

It was a very stressful event. All I wanted was to go home! I now have 7 days off and will be able to do some much needed relaxing! :D

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