
Monday, October 12, 2009

Dreams and baby plans

I had a crazy dream last night/this morning. And of course I'm going to attempt to share it with you.

At the start, I was pregnant. Jamaal was basically never in my dream, but I knew that he wasn't out of the picture, he was just busy. Instead, my mom was supporting me. She was the one that took me to the hospital when I went into labor. Which, by the way, was so simple! After laying in the hospital bed for a couple minutes, my baby girl was born. Makes me ready to have a baby. No pain, no goop, only a period afterwards, and not even that heavy of a period!! (Side note: I said to my mom when I started having a period: why can't the uterus just be perfectly smooth and clean after having a baby. And being the nurse I am, I imagined a sparkling clean uterus....) So my baby girl was born complete with blond highlights and chin length hair. When wet, the hair would crimp, but it was easily brushed straight. Ha! No I was born with a lot of hair, and I believe Jamaal was too, but chin length hair?? If it weren't a dream she would have looked ridiculous, but instead she just was so perfectly cute. And even though Jamaal never saw her, I'm sure he would have questioned if I'd been faithful or right after having the baby, I left her with my mom because I had other things to do.

The drill team coach asked me to participate in a dance reunion. And, just having had a baby, of course I said I'd be there. I hadn't shaved my legs in forever, since I'd been pregnant and couldn't reach, so I realized a little later than I should, that I desperately needed to shave. So I went to my dorm room, that was completely outside, and I shared it with Kayleen and Sarah. Sarah being taller, was so kind to reach for my electric razor that was on top of this ridiculously tall set of cupboards/closets. Kayleen had spilt her earrings all over the place on top of the cupboards, and we were very frustrated with that fact. I apparently had really swollen ankles during my pregnancy to the point where I had some very large blisters. So while I was shaving my legs I was also peeling skin (that looked more like hardened candle wax that had been dripped on my ankles. It was really quite gross, but made worse by the fact that I left the "skin" all over our outside dorm room. Sarah and Kayleen had left already though so they didn't know.

I finally leave the dorm, but I'm soo very late. The performance started at 1030 and there was a run through before that...I left my dorm at 1030. I didn't even know what I was supposed to perform, since I wasn't on the drill team...

Right before my performance, the coach (was her name Hunter??) says over the mike, "Aubri, do you know what you're going to perform?" I shook my head. Completely embarrassed. She then said I was to be singing along with the dancers in the next number, and I needed to run out of the bleachers area and go down to the floor to sing. Fortunately for me, the area I went to was not somewhere the audience could see me. Because I still didn't know what I was supposed to sing.

We (some people joined me for support, and to be my background singers) arrived just after the music had started. It was "My favorite things" from the Sound of Music. Which, I did not know the words to completely. And they didn't print me off a copy of the music so that I could follow where we were. So I basically messed up completely the first time, making the dancers start all over. And then made it as far as the first line.

I must have been very upset, but I was just ready to see my baby girl again. I missed her big time. I really desperately wanted to breast feed, but since there had been so many interruptions, she was being bottle fed by my mom. I tried, but she didn't really understand what to do, and neither did I. And I've been playing the Sims 3 too much because I would look to see how hungry she was on a was awful.


I've been thinking about how to continue to support my family as well as be a mom and how I will make it work. And once conclusion I have found is: when on day shift, I could work Tuesdays and Thursdays and Sundays. And my mom could watch the baby on Tuesday and Thursday, and Jamaal could watch the baby on Sundays.  When on night shift, I would work Monday, wednesday and Saturday nights, for 8 hours. Jamaal is worried that he'd get no sleep, because he'd be alone with the baby overnight, but hopefully the baby would sleep through the night, or only wake one time through the night. Then my mom could either come over to my house on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or take the baby to her house. If she stayed at my house, she'd be able to bring the baby in to me when it was hungry and I could feed it. That is if I'm able to breastfeed. I would only work for 8 hours.Which would be a pay cut, of about 25%. And while that might make things a little bit tight, I could always pick up some shifts here and there as long as I can find a sitter. Preferably Jamaal, or our moms. We are allowed 4 months off total for a pregnancy, so, hoping I can work up until a week or less before I deliver, the baby would be nearly 4 months old. (This of course, is the best possible situation.) There are always what-if situations, where I could possibly end up with bed rest, or a baby with some sort of health problem, or twins etc.

Now I have to find enough leave time to cover 4 months of time off! (that is 512hrs at 80% and 384hrs at 60%) I would prefer the first option, but I don't think I can save that much time up.

We need to start saving now....

When I was looking up "My favorite things" to make sure that was the name of it, I found this music's strange, but I really like it. Check it out:

1 comment:

  1. Aubri- you are going to be a wonderful Mom (by the way, your dream makes you already sound pregnant, Im very interested to read about your pregnancy dreams, cause they get crazy!), and there will be challenges with finances and such, but TRUST me, EVERYTHING always works out in the end. Follow your heart, it wont lead you wrong. :)
