With my new job I have come to realize that a major reason I became a nurse in the first place is to avoid having to dress fancy on a daily basis. Seriously kids, scrubs are easy. My biggest decision is usually which color scrub pants to wear in the morning.
And...*gasp*...I sometimes even pick out my outfit the night before. In the dark. By feel. Let's face it, I close my eyes and grab a top and bottom.
Haha. I wish, but seriously it is that easy. I have enough assortment that I'm not bored. (I have several tops that look great with at least 3 different colored pants, which completely changes the look of the ensemble.)
And you know what? I don't have to worry about flab or bloat, because scrubs pretty much take any shape you have and turn it generic.
(Can I just add that I have a few tops now that I don't like to wear, because they are a size Large, and make me look about 50 pounds heavier! Just another example of what I thought after I had Riley: I would never lose the weight, and might as well just deal with it. I seriously thought that. 25 pounds. That is two 10-pound bags of potatoes, and one 5-pound bag of potatoes. Picture yourself carting that around the grocery store, without a cart. And I had just succumbed to the idea of never losing that weight. I could talk all day about this simple fact. But I thought that extra weight was meant to stay on after having a baby, and it was something I would have to live with forever. Lesson learned: don't go to a scrub store during it's "Closing for Good" sale, after having a baby.)
So here is the scenario that spurred the idea behind this blog post:
I went to a meeting/seminar for Weight Watchers, and had to dress in business casual attire. It wasn't gorgeous out so I picked some grey slacks and a blouse that looks fancy. The meeting got over a bit earlier than I thought, so I went to Starbucks for a Grande Nonfat Caramel Macchiato and Venti Ice Water. I wanted to add some money on my gift card (because I have my cards registered, and recently became a Gold Member, so I want every drink to count toward my buy 15 get one free!!) so that meant I went inside instead of going through the drive thru. This was fine with me, since I had some time to kill.
I sat inside for a few minutes sipping my coffee and water, reading Divergent on my Kindle app. (Let me pause a moment only to say, that this book is the next Hunger Games, it is hard to put down. I cannot wait for the next book, and I'm not even finished with this one yet!)
After relaxing and enjoying my book, I had to drive to work in Seattle (a good 35 minute jaunt). By the time I had arrived, I realized that I was going to wet myself if I didn't find a bathroom soon. Seriously folks it was a pee-mergency. I don't think I've had one that bad since I was pregnant. And honestly, I feel like this was 10 times worse. Arriving at an odd hour, the usual parking spots were all taken, so I had to park at the other end of the lot. An extra 500 feet at least. I was desperate enough to see if one of the buildings back there had a rest room, but had no luck there. Then, as I passed bush covered trees, I contemplated making a tinkle camping style. I weighed the pro's and con's, but chose to sacrifice wetting myself (and calling in sick) to possibly losing my job for "indecent exposure."
I am pretty sure I walked a mile to get to the nearest bathroom. No joke, they make staff members park as far away as possible.
Now, let me just say that I had previously used the restroom after dressing that morning, so I already knew the disturbing fact that the slacks I was wearing had FIVE buttons on them, plus a zipper. Beauty is pain, they say.
As I was walking, I couldn't stop thinking about getting to a bathroom. I even prepped by unbuttoning 3 of the 5 buttons. And yet I still had trouble with the 2 remaining, and the zipper.
Don't worry, though. I made it safely into the bathroom without embarrassing myself.
After this day I realized the profound respect I have for those business women who dress in ridiculously buttoned slacks on a daily basis. And how much I appreciate scrubs.