I've been meaning to post on here for a couple days. I have a couple things I have wanted to talk about:
1) Riley has rolled from stomach to back (several times now). I have posted the video to Facebook, and tried uploading it here, with no luck. I embedded the Facebook video, only to find the quality to be awful, so I just decided posting the video to Facebook was enough. Just know that he cries pretty much the entire time, and tries eating anything he can get to his mouth. This morning his Uncle stopped by, and Riley rolled over for the first time without crying at all during the process. He was actually happy to be on his stomach. That doesn't happen very much.
2) The other thing is something that isn't quite as personal. But has struck a chord with me and has been rolling around in my head since I heard about it. I have tried writing about it, but it seems impossible for me to express my thoughts clearly. I'll keep trying.