
Thursday, December 9, 2010

37 weeks

well, tomorrow I will be. That means, Thundercats are GO! ;) It can happen any time now. I've been trying to be a little bit more active, but with more activity, comes more swelling to my right leg. I walked a mile the other day with my girls when the rain stopped. I definitely felt pressure during the walk. I'm also still doing water aerobics. I try to be extra jumpy. ;)

Today we had our appointment with our midwife. She said the baby is low, but still has room to go lower. She did not check my cervix, because as one midwife explained to me, it doesn't really tell you much. You can be 4cm and not go into labor for a while, and you can be 1cm and have the baby that same day. It is essentially, not worth the pain. I am, however, curious to know what my cervix is up to.

My midwife told me today that they usually don't like people with gestational diabetes to go too much past their due date. I knew this already, because usually babies are a bit bigger if their mom had GD. So, that might mean I will be getting induced at the end of this month. If I can't coax him out on my own. ;)


I'm still going to work. I was thinking of stopping early and making Friday night my last night, but I realized that we need the money, and though I'm hopeful I'll have this baby early, it rarely happens on its own. If I leave early, then I have to go back earlier than I planned. And I might just miss being around this little guy, so I'd like to spend as much time as I can with him. Work, however, is sometimes very rough on me. The last shift I worked wasn't too bad. I was assigned an appropriate assignment: one with very few turns. The shift prior to that I had a dependent turner, which means I have to ask for a lot of help at least every 2 hours. I can barely reach the patient with my big ole belly; besides the fact that it really isn't good for my back to be lifting at this point. I hate asking for a lot of help. If I keep having decent assignments, where I have an appropriate load and don't have to move too fast, I'll be able to go to my planned date of the 19th. I have 8 shifts left, or less if he decides to come early. ;)  I can do it...

I added a couple more things I won't miss to the previous post, check it out.

1 comment:

  1. You may have to stop work earlier than you think. You must have done more of those jumping jacks that Kristina recommended huh??
